Near TCF School, Bismillah Town, District Jacobabad, Sindh, Pakistan
Registration in Sindh: CDF is registered under voluntary Social Welfare agencies registration and control act 1961 with Social Welfare department Sindh, registration number 055/2005 dated 23-08-2005
Registration in Baluchistan: CDF is registered under Baluchistan Charities Registration, Regulation & Facilitation Act No-XI of 2019, Registration Number BCRA-115316 Dated 01/03/2023 till 29/02/2024
EAD Registration: CDF have valid MOU with Economic Affairs division Government of Pakistan for two years, the expiry date of EAD-MOU is 14-12-2023.
PDMA Registration: CDF is enlisted organization with PDMA Sindh (The letter is attached) and have registration and NOC from PDMA Balochistan
NOCs: CDF have working NOCs in district Jacobabad and Jhal Magsi, Jaffarabad, Kachhi & Sohbat Pur Baluchistan
FBR Compliance: CDF is registered with FBR and is active tax payer in the list. CDF have tax return certificate of tax year 2022.